Inspired by Boone Shear and Steve Fischer
There’s something I say to my spouse and to my kids
And to my parents and sure to my sibs
I say it with that tone, so my dog knows
But I rarely say it to others so close
Maybe it’s fear brought to us
Of anything seeming non-monogamous
Sneaky homophobia that’s for sure
Why this lack of closeness should I endure
So, I say F it, before this world ends
Just say I love you to your closest friends
So, I say F it, before this world ends
Just say I love you to your closest friends
But only if you mean it that is
Keep that meaningful reserved status
Let’s not just go giving them out
Like beads on a Mardi Gras route
Those friends who’ve really been there
Deserve to know you deeply do care
Don’t just puff your chest and bump their fist
Common’ hug them and say it proud, you get the gist
So, I say F it, before this world ends
Just say I love you to your closest friends
So, I say F it, before this world ends
Just say I love you to your closest friends
Ten soccer fields of forest lost per sec
Climate change coming breakneck
Sea levels up six inches this century
Twelve million unrehabilitating in a penitentiary
Extinction one thousand times the natural rate
Wow our species will test our fate
Microplastics building up in our testes
And we’re afraid to say it to our besties
So, I say F it, before this world ends
Just say I love you to your closest friends
So, I say F it, before this world ends
Just say I love you to your closest friends
So, I say F it, before this world ends
Just say I love you to your closest friends